Specific terms definitions
“Emma Booth” to the sporting personality Emma Booth. Emma is represented by PR agency The Rep Room. 
“We”, “I” and “Us” refer to Emma Booth and the PR agency. 
“APPs” refer to the Australian Privacy Principles incorporated in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

The purpose of this policy
The website emmabooth.com.au is subject to the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). This Privacy Policy explains in general terms how we protect the privacy of information in compliance with Australian privacy law.

How and why we collect your privacy information.
emmabooth.com.au collects privacy information by lawful and fair means. Typically, the privacy information we collect via contact forms or newsletter sign up include your name and e-mail address.

We collect personal information only where reasonably necessary for one or more of the functions and activities connected to the operations of this website and any related business for Emma Booth. We collect personal information for the primary purpose of providing updates on or gathering sponsorship for Emma Booth.

Individuals have a right to remain anonymous, but if you choose to not give your privacy information to us we may not be able to provide you with all services.

How we utilises or discloses your information
Generally, we use and discloses privacy information for the primary purpose of responding back to sponsors who register interest. We also use email addresses to notify subscribers of our mailing list of past and upcoming events.

We may also use privacy information to share special offers for our sponsors and partners via our newsletter/mailing list. 

Use of cookies
When you visit emmabooth.com.au, our server attaches a small data file called a “cookie” to your computer’s memory. Cookies are pieces of information that may be transferred to your computer’s memory when you visit a website for record keeping purposes. Most web browsers are set by default to accept cookies. If you do not wish to receive any cookies from us, you should set your web browser to refuse cookies.

We use cookies to provide us with aggregate (anonymous) information on how people use our website, and to help us to know what they find interesting and useful on our website. We do not link this information to your identity or to any other information provided by you. There is no information identifying you stored inside any cookies.

Collection of anonymous information via our website
As most websites do, emmabooth.com.au tracks usage patterns anonymously. Each time you visit, a web server makes a record of your visit. Specifically, it records:

Internet Service Provider;
Date and time of visits;
Pages accessed and the documents downloaded;
Search items entered; and
Referring URLs (universal locators).

Lodging a complaint
Should you wish to complain about a potential breach of this Privacy Policy or the APPs please contact the PR team The Rep Room. Our contact details can be found on our website https://emmabooth.com.au/get-in-touch/